The Ticket Support System



The cleint portal features a built in message system.  Clicking the "Support Tickets" link from the Client Portal will bring you to the message system menu.  "0 open support tickets" Indicates the number of help messages still unresolved.  Messages may contain important information, so read them as soon as possible.


If you needed assistance, you would click the "Create a Ticket" link.  Our support staff would respond to this ticket and you would click on the ticket name to read it.  Private messages are shown in the same table.  Private messages are different because they are not responses to a support ticket.  Private messages can include scheduled downtime alerts, system-wide announcements, and warnings that your account is reaching its limits.  To read a private message, click on its title.


Creating a Ticket


1. Click the "Create a Ticket" link.


2. Select Department:


Billing:  Any quetions about billing or sales.

Design:  If you want a website designed upload files.

Tech:  Technical support.


3.  Enter a subject that describes the problem in a  

     few words.


4.  Explain the problem in full detail.


5.  Click "Save."


The support staff may respond to your ticket and close it.  A ticket will be closed when the problem is resolved; that is, there is no need for the ticket any more.  If you have new messages waiting and don't see them in in the ticket listing, click on the "View Closed Tickets" link.  If you feel that your problem has not been resolved then you may reply to the closed ticket.



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